AFSFA Travis Bay Area Chapter (TBAC) Activities
TBAC engages in activities that create cohesiveness within the chapter itself as well as those activities that support the Active Duty and Reserve Defenders and their families at Travis AFB plus associated 1st Responders.
We hold a regular monthly meeting at Cypress Lakes Golf Course in Vacaville where we conduct a meeting that begins with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence in memory of all 1st Reponders that have died in the line of duty.
You will often find a group meeting during the month to do event planning of just having coffee or sharing a meal. In most cases, anyone is welcome. You’ll find us at a McDs or at the Monarch Dining Facility at Travis.
Golf Tournament
TBAC, in conjunction with 60th Security Forces Squadron at Travis puts on a memorial golf tournament. TBAC had the opportunity to host the 2018 AFSFA National Meeting in Sacramento and hosted our first tournament and by all accounts it was a great success. TBAC hosted a 911 1st Responder Memorial Tournament in on 9/11/19 at Cypress Lakes Golf Course.
Heritage Room /Patio Project – 60SFS / 349SFS / 349WSSF
Travis AFB has a rich history dating back many years. Security has always been an important part of the Air Force mission at Travis and supported by Air Police, Security Police and now Security Forces. Units and components stationed at Travis were from different Commands have been protected by men and women assigned to the career field. While the career field and missions have changed over time, the dedication of what we now call Defenders has never wavered.
A Heritage Room was established to showcase the history and dedication of Air Force Security as a whole and specifically the men and women assigned to Travis AFB. In 2020, the Air Force Security Forces Association (AFSFA), Travis Bay Area Chapter (TBAC), with Command approval formally adopted the Heritage Room and Patio area.
TBAC has a standing Heritage Area Committee to plan, improve, and maintain the entrance, patio, and heritage room of Building 380A.
Heritage Room / Patio Photos – October 2020
Defender of the Month (DoM)
TBAC selects a DoM each month of the year. Supervisors submit individuals from 60SFS to a TBAC selection committee. Selection is open to both military and civilians. The committee makes the selection and informs TBAC leadership. A standard presentation award is presented by the Commander at the monthly Commander’s Call. When the actual award is received, TBAC Chair or other TBAC members personally present the award to the individual at guard mount or other appropriate event.
Defender of the Year (DoY)
A Defender of the Year is selected from the 12 Defender of The Month.

Meet and Greets
When TBAC was first being organized and on several occasions since, we’ve hosted meet and greets. This allows anyone interested in knowing more about us or may want to join to visit, engage in conversation and have some goodies and refreshments.
Here you see Jean Downey (spouse of TBAC member) setting up the goodies and AFSFA President Scott Castillo in his official shorts talking about AFSFA. When the photo was taken, Scott was the Chairman of the Sacramento Valley Chapter and was instrumental in helping get TBAC started.
Burger Burns
TBAC does burger burns for 60SFS, 349SFS and the CRG folks. Photos show on and off duty Defenders enjoying some hot dogs and burgers along with refreshments. Everyone gets into the act.
Periodically it’s good to see how our career field has changed and often stayed the same. When appropriate, we invite a guest speaker to a regular meeting. At times, we’ve met on base and had the opportunity to be briefed on equipment and procedures. Many of these involve hands-on experiences.
Cookies for Cops
If you’ve worked as a 1st Responder and especially in the AP/SP/SF career field you can appreciate time off for relaxation and time with family and friends. You will also understand that 1st Responders don’t get the normal time off periods and holidays. In fact, we’re the ones that are often called upon to increase our numbers during certain holidays.
TBAC, like many AFSFA Chapters have a program called Cookies for Cops and known by many other names. Our members bake or purchase cookies along with making hot chocolate. TBAC members and 60SFS volunteers visit all the post and patrols during the Christmas holiday – normally on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day handing out bags of cookies and cups of the warm beverage. We also spend some time getting to know the Defenders a little better.
High School TPP Class Air Force Orientation
Vacaville High School offers a Transitional Partnership Program (TPP) course where students are exposed to different career opportunities. TBAC along with 60SFS in cooperation with Travis AFB Fire Department, David Grant Medical Center and other Travis AFB squadrons host the students and their adult advisers for a day at Travis.
The group arrives at the main gate and escorted on a quick tour of the base ending up at the Travis Heritage Center where they are welcomed, provided some snacks and drink, and given some time to wander through the exhibits and learn more about the Air Force and Travis AFB. Lots of questions!
Then off to the fire department for orientation and some fun with equipment and vehicles. Several Security Forces personnel arrive and talk to the group about the SF career field. After lunch at the on-base dining facility the group normally visits the hospital or aircraft maintenance areas where they see work activities. After that TBAC treats everyone to an ice cream at the BX food court.
Range Days and LEOSA
All Air Police, Security Police and Security Force members spent most, if not all their career, with a weapon in hand, on their side or hanging from a shoulder and typically have fond memories of time at the range. That doesn’t go away after separation or retirement, especially now that members of our career field are recognized as Federal Law Enforcement Officers.
Currently active service or prior service members can now apply for an obtain a Retired Federal Law Enforcement Credential under the LEOSA program. That law allows those with the credential to carry a concealed weapon nationally. However, they must qualify annually.
To stay proficient an individual needs to visit the range on a regular basis. TBAC members get together regularly and make a visit to the range followed by lunch or breakfast before.
• In the photo above on the left is Scott Castillo, AFSFA President and on the right is John Probst, AFSFA Executive Director. Both visited TBAC and enjoyed a day at the range.
Travis AFB Support
From time to time opportunities are made available for TBAC to come along side Defenders at Travis AFB and help in some way. TBAC members typically provide bottled water for Travis AFB Open Houses and Air Shows. Our members volunteer to handle the health and welfare patrol that checks on all static posts during the event – provide cold water and making sure all personnel are okay.